Minigarden Basic S Uno - Technical Specifications
Minigarden Basic is made of high-strength polypropylene copolymer and contains additives to protect against UV rays, making it capable of withstanding extreme climatic conditions (solar radiation and temperatures). Minigarden Basic S Uno is composed of 7 easy to assemble components: a watertight platform at the base, a lid with a oval opening into which the flowerpot is inserted, a flowerpot, a round base to support the reservoir, a removable reservoir for water and nutrients, a feeder lid and a geotextile underlay to be placed inside the watertight platform.
Irrigation and Nutrition
Thanks to an ingenious system for storing water with nutrients and irrigation, Minigarden Basic allows ornamental plants, aromatic plants or small vegetables to be grown and maintained without the need for the usual daily care, as the system ensures regular irrigation and nutrition according to the plants’ needs.
Patents and Registrations
Minigarden Basic S Uno is protected by a patent.
Technical Data
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Outras Características:
Minigarden Basic S Uno
Polypropylene Moplen with UV protection
Matt, Grain MT-11007
3 years
100 % recyclable